
Flavour your dishes
Flavour your dishes or relax with a cup of saffron tea. The latest and fresh batch of premium organic
Super Negin saffron is available at Saffronistan.
Put your saffron to the test
Put a few strands of saffron in hot water as you would do when making an infusion. If the strands fall
to the bottom and stay there, it could be low quality saffron. Top quality saffron strands float on
Saffronistan brand is also available in Canada
The Saffronistan brand is available in Canada. It is packed in special airtight jars to preserve the
flavour and freshness of our organic premium Afghan saffron.
The Quality for Royals
The Quality for Royals premium organic grade Super Negin saffron is available for wholesale trade.
Easy Polo Black Edition
It is never too late to relax with a cup of saffron tea. Just a few strands in hot water and your body
will thank you for the treat.
The best way to conserve saffron
The best way to conserve Saffronistan’s organic saffron and preserve its the flavour for the longest
time is by storing it in airtight jars. Always store in a dry place away from humidity. Our new jars are
eco-friendly, made of glass with bamboo wood lids.
Saffronistan is now available worldwide
Saffronistan is now available worldwide through our wholesalers. Our certified premium quality
organic saffron conforms to equitable trade standards.
Our flowers have a distinct aroma
The flowers we grow have a delightful aroma and have been used by kings and queens since the
dawn of civilization.

Saffronistan is a proud and patriotic enterprise
At Saffronistan, we take pride in supporting Afghan farmers who produce the best quality saffron in
the world. Afghan saffron has been rated as the BEST IN THE WORLD for four consecutive years by
the European Union Trade Quality Commission.
Finest saffron
Take a few strands of saffron and rub them between your fingers. If the colour on your fingers is
orange-reddish, then, it is not the best quality. Finest saffron will leave a yellowish or golden stain on
your fingers.
Saffron comes from a flower called Saffron Crocus (Crocus Sativus). There are hundreds of different
types of this flower that bloom in autumn, but only a few have the crimson-coloured stigma that is
used as saffron spice.
Zeus was said to sleep on a bed of saffron
In Greek mythology, Zeus is said to sleep on a bed of saffron. Cleopatra was known to mix saffron in
milk to bathe and maintain beautiful soft skin and a natural tan. Saffron was also used as a dye for
the textiles of kings, queens and high priests in ancient times.
Exotic aroma
The precious spice has a strong exotic aroma and a slightly bitter taste. It is traditionally used to
flavour special dishes and sweets in Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. Some like to consume it as an
herbal infusion or add it to their regular tea for the flavourful aroma.